Alabama Daily News: Ainsworth airs introductory ad with $1 million buy

By Todd Stacy

State Rep. Will Ainsworth has placed what looks to be the largest television ad buy this cycle for his campaign for Lt. Governor.

Titled, “Book,” Ainsworth’s ad highlights his Christian faith and work as a youth pastor.

“I’ll fight the liberal elites who mock our Christian values, take away our guns, and redefine marriage,” he says to a montage of family photos.

“As your lieutenant governor, I’ll go by the book and always stand for the Christian values that make Alabama great.”

The ad begins airing today on broadcast and cable television in each Alabama market. At $1 million, the ad buy looks to be the largest ad purchase so far in the Alabama 2018 campaign cycle.



In a cumulative ad buy totaling more than $1 million, the largest yet placed by any candidate on the 2018 statewide ballot, Republican lieutenant governor candidate Will Ainsworth on Wednesday began airing a new campaign commercial designed to introduce himself to voters and discuss his profound Christian faith.

“Unlike his career politician opponents, Will Ainsworth is a fresh face with new ideas, and this ad will help voters learn what guides his beliefs, thoughts, and actions,” Ainsworth campaign director Lewis McDonald said.  “As a former youth pastor, Will has a devout commitment to his Christian faith, and he will lead the fight to preserve the morals and values that the Bible instructs us to follow.”

The new campaign spot for Ainsworth, who is a first-term member of the Alabama House representing portions of Marshall, Blount, and DeKalb counties, is currently airing on network and cable stations across the state as well as in digital and social media formats.

The ad may be viewed here:

Its script reads:

Video:    Ainsworth in a chapel holding the Bible with superimposed text that reads - “Will Ainsworth. Proud. Christian. Conservative.”

Will Ainsworth: “All the answers you’re ever going to need are in this book.”

Video: Ainsworth with family and superimposed text that reads - “Will Ainsworth. Christian. Conservative. Proud of it.”

Female announcer: “Will Ainsworth. Christian. Conservative. Proud of it.”

Video: Ainsworth in chapel holding Bible.

Will Ainsworth: “I’m Will Ainsworth.  I’ll fight the liberal elites who mock our Christian values, take away our guns, and redefine marriage.”

Video: Montage of Ainsworth family photos with superimposed text that reads - “Will Ainsworth. Former Youth Paster. Conservative. Christian. Businessman.”

Female announcer: “Will Ainsworth.  Youth Pastor.  Conservative truth teller.  Owner of Dream Ranch.”

Video: Ainsworth in chapel holding up Bible.

Will Ainsworth: “As your lieutenant governor, I’ll go by the book and always stand for the Christian values that make Alabama great."


As featured in YellowhammerAlabama Political Reporter and Alabama Today

Answering Alabama's Infrastructure Needs in the 21st Century

By Will Ainsworth

April 11, 2018

Toyota/Mazda, Polaris,  Remington,  Hyundai,  Honda,  Airbus, Boeing…

These are just a few of the dozens upon dozens of new and expanding industries that have chosen to locate in Alabama and provide jobs and opportunity to our citizens in recent years.

It is no secret that Alabama continues to lead not only the southeast but the entire nation in economic development categories across the board, and the state’s Department of Commerce could fill a room with all of the “Silver Shovel” awards and other industrial recruitment honors it has captured over the past few decades.

But if we are going to continue our forward progress and provide even more jobs, hope, and security to Alabama’s families, our attention must begin to focus upon repairing the state’s crumbling transportation infrastructure.

Portions of our interstate are simply uncomfortable to drive upon, various bridges in every portion of the state are too dangerous for use, and, as someone who travels a great deal through rural Alabama, I can attest that the roads often feel like driving on broken piecrust.

A health economy and a thriving state demand a road system that allows for the easy transport of commercial goods and the safe travel of our citizens.

But critical infrastructure needs are not endemic to Alabama.  

Most states rely upon gas taxes to fund their transportation needs, and the advent of high mileage vehicles and electric cars have caused those revenues to tumble across the nation.  As a result, roadways from coast to coast are in need of repair.

President Donald Trump recognized these needs and campaigned for office on an expansive infrastructure proposal that will address road, bridge, highway, tunnel, railroad, and even airport improvements in each of the 50 states.

As a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, I embrace President Trump’s proposal and recognize that Alabama’s list of priority projects stretches from border to border.  

Anyone who has driven I-65 between Huntsville and Mobile has, at some point in their journeys, likely been stuck at a dead-stop standstill for no apparent reason.  It is frustrating, it is senseless, and it wastes drivers’ time, fuel, and money.

I believe strongly that we should work toward one day three-laning I-65 from the Tennessee border to the waters of the Gulf Coast.

State Highway 157 in Cullman currently has a completed bridge with no access road leading to it because the project remains unfinished.

U.S. Highway 98 in Mobile County has proven so deadly that it has earned the nickname “Bloody 98,” and while funding from the BP oil spill settlement will be used to jump start the project, additional funding is needed, and more work remains to be done.

Farm-to-market roads across the state have been long neglected, and they deserve attention because of the essential role that agriculture plays in our state’s economy.

Completing these projects and hundreds of others like them will require leaders with the determination to push forward and the vision to do them right.

My transportation plan includes close examination of the steps our sister southeastern states have already taken to resolve their infrastructure issues and mimicking their successes while avoiding their pitfalls.

Reducing regulations, implementing cost-cutting measures, and reexamining overly-cautions environmental mandates could dramatically reduce construction costs and help us put our money into asphalt instead of bureaucracy.

Public/private partnerships, which allow the private sector to carry the majority of construction and maintenance costs, are another area worthy of exploring.

Utilizing groundbreaking technologies in the roadbuilding industry can also cut costs in the long-term and save millions of taxpayer dollars that can be reinvested in roadways.

New high-density mineral bonds in asphalt, for example, can be used to repel the moisture and ultraviolet light rays that are major contributing factors in the cracking, raveling, and deterioration of our streets, highways, and interstates.

By implementing our sister states’ models, innovative approaches, conservative policies, and new technologies, I remain confident we can provide Alabama’s citizens and businesses with the quality transportation system that they deserve.

State Rep. Will Ainsworth (R - Guntersville) is a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor.  Elected to the Legislature in 2014, Ainsworth currently represents Alabama’s House District 27, which includes portions of Marshall, DeKalb, and Blount counties.


Alabama Must Do More To Thank Its Military Veterans

By Will Ainsworth

April 19, 2018

The Bible verse Isaiah 6:8 reads - Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Those words from the holiest of books have always prompted me to think of the men and women who have so selflessly served in the United States military and defended the greatest of all nations.

Military service is a deep commitment that demands a great deal of sacrifice from the soldiers who serve and the family members who support them. Everyone who wears our country’s uniform deserves our respect, honor, and appreciation, and those warm feelings continue even after that uniform is removed and hung in a closet.

Since joining the Alabama Legislature in 2014, I have placed a deep focus on serving the needs of Alabama’s military veterans, and that commitment will continue if I am elected lieutenant governor.

Most recently, I worked with State Rep. Dickie Drake (R - Leeds) and members of the House Military and Veterans Affairs Committee to pass the Parks for Patriots Act, which provides free, year-round admission to all Alabama state parks for active military personnel and veterans, including members of the National Guard and Reserves.

I also joined with State Rep. Barry Moore (R - Enterprise) to pass legislation that makes it a crime for those who do not qualify to park in spaces specifically reserved for Purple Heart and medal of valor recipients, former prisoners of war, or other military veterans.

More and more businesses are setting aside special parking spaces reserved for military veterans who were wounded, taken prisoner, or presented a medal for valor in defense of our country. It is unconscionable to think that someone who does not fall under these categories would park in a space reserved for our nation’s heroes, but it happens quite often. This new law will ensure that those who display such blatant disrespect will be punished appropriately.

My Republican colleagues and I have also approved the Veterans Employment Act, which provides tax incentives to businesses that hire honorably discharged veterans who are currently unemployed.

The law ensures that the veterans covered by this incentive program would be hired for full-time jobs and earn at least $14 per hour, and because the program is modeled after the “pay as you go” method of awarding economic incentives, it will have no negative fiscal impact on the budgets.

And in order to ensure that the sacrifices and legacies of veterans of the past, present, and future are properly protected, I was proud to support the Alabama Memorial Preservation Act, a measure that prevents those with leftist agendas and politically correct notions from tearing down statues, monuments, and makers dedicated to our state’s rich military history.

Some may argue that the work we have accomplished is adequate, but I believe that more should still be done to properly thank our veteran heroes for their service.

That is why I plan to create the Lieutenant Governor’s Task Force on Veterans’ Needs if I am elected to serve the citizens of Alabama over the next four years.

This task force will include a cross section of career military veterans, National Guard veterans, disabled veterans, combat and homefront veterans, business leaders, educators, and other citizens. The task force will be responsible for recommending need laws, programs, and initiatives that will ensure Alabama’s veterans and their families are skilled, educated, employed, and provided the comforts necessary to understand the thanks of a grateful state.

As lieutenant governor, I will take the most worthy recommendations of the task force to the members of the Senate and work to enact them into law. And because the needs of veterans continue to evolve with a changing economy, emerging technologies, and shifting military responsibilities, the task force will continue to meet on an annual basis and provide new input and ideas.

George Washington, our nation’s first president and one of its greatest generals, stressed the importance of treating our veterans well when he said, “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive the veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their nation.”

Those are wise words spoken by a great man, and I pledge to live by them as your lieutenant governor.

State Rep. Will Ainsworth (R - Guntersville) is a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor. Elected to the Legislature in 2014, Ainsworth currently represents Alabama’s House District 27, which includes portions of Marshall, DeKalb, and Blount counties.

RELEASE: Ainsworth Begins Airing Radio Ad Statewide in Support of Legislation to Arm Trained Teacher

Guntersville, - State Rep. Will Ainsworth (R - Guntersville) on Wednesday began airing a statewide radio ad campaign in support of his legislation that allows public school teachers who volunteer for law enforcement certification to carry firearms in case of active shooter attacks.

With the radio buy, Ainsworth is the first candidate for lieutenant governor to begin airing commercials in the 2018 election cycle. Portions of the script for the radio ad read:

“. . .I’m Will Ainsworth. I know this is going to be politically incorrect, but so be it. More gun control is not the answer. Using this tragedy to promote a liberal political agenda is not okay. As a dad, I know we have to keep our kids safe, but leaving all of the guns to the bad guys is not the answer. . .

. . .That’s why I wrote a bill to allow specially-trained teachers to carry firearms on school campuses. Heaven forbid a shooter ever enters an Alabama school, but if they do, we owe it to our kids to protect them with more than a No. 2 pencil. . .”

Under the provisions of Ainsworth’s House Bill 435, which currently has 33 co-sponsors and is similar to laws on the books in at least 19 other states, specially selected teachers and administrators who undergo a thorough mental evaluation and successfully complete annual Alabama Peace Officers’ Safety and Training certification would have access to firearms during school hours if an active shooter scenario occurred.

Participation in the program would be voluntary, and while taxpayers would cover the cost of training, the selected educators would be required to provide their own firearms.

Much like undercover air marshals who patrol commercial air flights, the names of those authorized to carry firearms would be kept secret from the school population and public, but local law enforcement would be provided with a specific marker identifying the program’s participants.